Institutional Needs
First-hand experience
WST brings to bear a depth of fiduciary experience both as Advisor and Trustee; our Principals are proud to serve an average of five non-profit organizations in the capacity of board or committee member. We understand the privileges and demands of stewardship.

Alignment of purpose
As a community minded firm, we feel we serve our clients best by joining in their vision for the community or cause they serve. We understand that sound, disciplined, transparent counsel is required to protect the resources needed to sustain missions – to fund scholarships, to improve the quality of medical care, to preserve nature and works of art, to provide secure retirements, to build new facilities and care for those in need.

Strategic partnership
No two institutions are the exact same, but we feel the goals of stewardship are largely consistent: ensure proper governance, improve financial viability and position the organization to sustain its mission in perpetuity. We understand and can consult on the operational and governance questions facing a board.
by Committee needs
Key features:
Committee leverages consultant for help making informed decisions…
- Manager search
- Portfolio allocation
- Special studies
…but ultimately, Committee retains responsibility for portfolio construction and implementation
- Consultant provides portfolio monitoring and performance reporting
Committee & Advisor
Key features:
Advisor assists with investment policy development
- Customized portfolio construction advice
- Collaborative portfolio management approach
- Committee approval required for some or all decisions
Shared responsibility for portfolio construction and implementation
Advisor provides portfolio monitoring and performance reporting
Key features:
Advisor leads IPS development and provides customized portfolio construction advice
Advisor manages portfolio/executes strategy with full discretion
Advisor fully responsible for:
- Asset allocation
- Manager due diligence, selection, replacement
- Rebalancing
- Risk Management
- Portfolio monitoring and reporting
Makes Sense
Board members are routinely asked to make complex investment decisions; even the savviest Board member may be uncomfortable making investment calls amidst changing markets. We believe our approach addresses critical shortcomings of the traditional consultant + manager model of institutional portfolio management, by centralizing responsibility for investment decisions and outcomes. As consultant and advisor, we are solely accountable for our decisions and we answer to the Board.
to the Institution
By fully delegating investment decisions to a single strategic partner, institutions secure key efficiencies in portfolio management:
- Expedited decision-making on strategic allocations
- Flexibility for tactical decision-making in certain market environments
- Efficiency in execution
- Flat, all-in fee paid to a single manager
Strong returns are important, but they are not the sole proof statement of success when you truly align yourself with the purpose of an institutional client.